Amplify Snack Brands

Research confirmed that the salty snack category was saturated and hard to stand out in. We focused on creating moments to drive trial and build brand love. For SkinnyPop, we launched a Back-to-School campaign relying on an ecosystem between rich media, brand social channels and a video hub that engaged our audience at home, on-the-go and in the grocery aisle, followed by creating #WholeBagWednesday, a mid-week “treat yourself” occasion to finish the bag. Paqui created the Carolina Reaper Madness chip, so we created the #OneChipChallenge social video contest. We built a shareable gallery of reaction videos sourced via social media and microsite, ultimately awarding one winner a year of free Paqui. The challenge caught the attention of YouTubers, talk show hosts and celebrities, fueling the fandom.

Brand Liberation Point: Make moments, not ads.

311% increase
in SkinnyPop site visitors YoY

6.2x lift
in purchase intent during SkinnyPop Back-to-School social and digital campaign

186,000 minutes
spent engaging with SkinnyPop rich media

of spicy, memorable moments created for Paqui Chips during the #OneChipChallenge

increase in Paqui’s social audience